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Lacey Recht
Engagement Manager
Lacey Recht has been a part of the Younger Partners’ growth story since 2014. Valued for her attention to detail, strategic planning, and organizational skills, Lacey channeled her in-depth knowledge of company operations and structure into a start-up role as Engagement Manager for Salesforce. Today, she provides vital oversight of the platform’s technology, compliance, and reporting to keep our senior leadership apprised of company sales and operations benchmarks.
Joining Younger Partners as an Executive Assistant for the co-owners, Lacey quickly became a trusted advisor and mentor to her supervisors, colleagues, and clients. Her ability to uphold a new business mindset and nurture a “win as a team” environment drew her into a marketing position for commercial real estate brokers before leading the Salesforce adoption charge. Regardless of her role, Lacey has incorporated the skills she amassed as a prior senior bank teller, flight attendant, and event planner to help drive results for Younger Partners.
Passionate about serving the greater good, Lacey is an active community volunteer and has organized numerous corporate events to aid Bonton Farms, Project Transformation Greater Dallas and Entrepreneurs for North Texas.
- Entrepreneurs For North Texas (EFNT)
SERVICES: Analytics/Marketing